Quick, accurate check-in/out saves minutes and big bucks
Clear reports for hours worked stop payroll arguments
Preshift briefings and incident waivers are automated
Manage worker hours and compliance in real-time.
Quick, accurate check-in/out saves minutes and big bucks
Simplify worker check-ins/outs, saving time and money. With built-in compliance, it automates safety briefings and incident waivers for seamless operations.
Automatically logs precise hours for each workers
At check-in Worker receive an automatic text with the day’s preshift safety briefing to review and sign
Workers sign an incident waiver confirming they were not injured on the job.
Automatically generates reports per site, per worker.
Automatically collect signed wage waivers during check-out, avoiding future disputes about workers’ hours worked.
Export time-tracking data directly into payroll systems for seamless and error-free processing.
Automatically logs precise hours for each workers
Discover potential savings with our interactive calculator. See how time tracking can cut costs, reduce disputes, and boost your bottom line.
SafetyClerk is the construction management platform that makes safety compliance, and risk management of your job site simple and visible in one click.
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ConstructionClerk - 2025 - All rights reserved
ConstructionClerk - 2025 - All rights reserved