Construction Suicide Prevention Week

The construction industry has the second highest rate of suicide in the United States at 53.3 per 100,000 workers according to the Center for Disease Control (CDC). In the U.S. there are approximately 123 suicides per day that breaks down to one death every 12 minutes. (SafeBuild Alliance)

In 2020, a mission-driven group of volunteers from across the construction industry came together with the goal of saving lives. They collaborated to launch the inaugural Suicide Prevention Week for the industry — a week dedicated to raising awareness about the higher-than-average number of suicides in the construction industry, and to providing resources to help prevent those deaths.

Every year, during September — National Suicide Prevention Month — the construction industry will dedicate a week to raising awareness about the unique challenges workers face in construction that lead to suicide and what we can do to prevent it. Together, we can save lives.

How Can I Participate?

Commit your organization to participating in Construction Suicide Prevention Week now. Register here with how you plan to participate, and you'll receive an OSHA-recognized, industry-endorsed certificate of participation and an electronic badge to use on your website.

Check out all the resources available on the Construction Suicide Prevention website, including ToolBox Talks, videos and contact information to have in case of crisis.


  • [WEBINAR] Difficult Conversations and Addressing Mental Health Year-Round: Panelists discuss how to break the stigma around mental health and suicide prevention in the construction industry. They provide actionable advice for how and when to talk about suicide, and for how to take the focus of Construction Suicide Prevention Week and apply it day-to-day.
  • [TESTIMONIAL] Barb Mares: Area Director for the Greater Kansas City Chapter of the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention shares her story of loss, grief and coping with suicide.
  • [TESTIMONIAL] Dave Ezell: Director of Safety for Mark One Electric tells his story about helping someone in crisis, including sharing resources and training.
Toolbox Talks (English)
Toolbox Talks (Spanish)
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